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"The King's Horse" 2022, Adobe Photoshop

"Nature Giant" 2022, Adobe Photoshop

"Vampire Dandies Enjoying The Show" 2022, Adobe Photoshop

"Mother and Son Vikings" 2022, Adobe Photoshop

"Curious Mods" 2022, Adobe Photoshop

"Curious Mods Turnarounds" 2022, Adobe Photoshop

"Beauty and the Beast" 2021, Adobe Photoshop

"The Parade: Character Lineup and Expressions" 2022, Adobe Photoshop

"Ava Dietrich" 2021, colored pencil, liner pen, and marker on illustration board

"Grace Shopping" 2022, Adobe Photoshop

"Gracie and Grace" 2019, colored pencil on illustration board

"Grace and Jonathan" 2019, Adobe Photoshop

"Grace Expressions" 2021, graphite on layout bond paper 

"Grace Pose" 2021, graphite on layout bond paper 

"Duke and Ellington: Hop To It" 2019, graphite/traditional animation 

"Duke Turnaround" 2019, Adobe Photoshop 

"Ellington Turnaround" 2019, Adobe Photoshop 

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